Having a job as a high schooler


Sophomore Brooklyn McDonald works at Taco Bell. One of the main things that having a job has taught her is how to be more responsible.

Amber Mcdonald, Staff Writer

As kids get older, they start wanting more of their own money. They start depending on themselves instead of their parents. As a high schooler it’s a good experience to have a job to get ready for the future.

“As a 10th grader I’m getting ready to drive. My parents expect me to save up for half of the payment of the car of my choice. That’s what motivated me to get a job,” Brooklyn McDonald (10) said.

Getting a job is the first step to get establishing your own savings. Most teenagers want to get a job because they will soon begin to drive, which comes with a lot of financial responsibility.

“Having a job is a great way to teach people responsibility. My job showed me how to manage my money,” Lauren Clark (10) said.

Having a job teaches teens how to save their money and use it wisely. When you become an adult, you can’t always depend on your parents. Being employed motivates young adults and provides many lessons for the future.

“As a student it’s hard to handle all my AP and schoolwork while I have to go to work after,” Serenity Acosta (11) said.

Having a job can also help teach people time management. Time management is important because it helps students’ complete tasks, stay organized and reach their goals.

“Having a job has many advantages but one major problem is I miss out on many activities with my friends and family. Even though I miss many get togethers, I know it will help me in the long run,” Mia Fontana (12) said.

When you have a job, many things may be cut. When you work there is a lot of responsibility that you must take and understand.  Learning the value of your task and understanding trade-offs is a quality all mature students should have.

“As a high school student,” McDonald (10) said, “it’s very important to have a job so I can learn how to manage my money and be responsible with it.”