Funny Bunny

Strange events are constantly occurring at Freedom High School, but it was a surprise when someone reported that a bunny was on the loose. However, this bunny was not the common adorable animal, but rather someone in a bunny suit. On Wednesday, April 30, Ms. Owens was receiving calls reporting that someone in a large rabbit costume was on Freedom Campus.

“We started getting calls about a large rabbit running around the school with other students,” Mrs. Owens said.

In efforts to try and stop the bunny, Mr. Pears and Ms. Owens drove a golf cart around campus in search of the bunny. Unfortunately, teachers and students were pointing in different directions and the search suddenly turned into a wild goose chase.

“Mr. Pears and I split off and searched opposite sides of the school and then I saw a few young men upstairs running when they saw me, but I saw no rabbit. I still went after them and it led me to the bathrooms. I searched the girl’s bathroom with no luck and I sent a student in the boy’s bathroom to check. He said there was no one in there, but informed me that there was an abandoned full bunny suit on the floor,” Mrs. Owens said.

In the end, the group of boys were not found and are still unidentified as whether or not they are Freedom High School students. Despite not finding the culprits we gained a bunny suit and an interesting story.