Darth Vader Takes Over Ukraine


Amongst the troubles and turmoil of Ukraine right now, presidential elections have not been forgotten, and this year’s candidate for the Ukraine Internet Party (UIP), is none other than Lord
Vader himself.

The party announced over the weekend that they will be nominating the Dark Lord of the Sith as a candidate, and accordingly have paid 225,000 dollars to register him.

It sounds like an expensive waste of time, but the UIP is recognized as an actual political party, and Europe is known to have elected several other internet based geeky-type candidates. Whoever it is behind the mask of Darth Vader, is obviously dedicated, as their press conferences have been witnessed to have been full of people dressed as characters from Star Wars.

With the current political issues between Ukraine and Russia, primarily the attack on Crimea, these elections seem to resemble an elementary school election for class president. More so now that Vader is running alongside a candidate who has been titled as “The Willy Wonka of Eastern Europe.”

Petro Poroshenko, or more commonly addressed as “The Willy Wonka of Eastern Europe”, owns the confectionary brand Roshen which is the leading sweets brand in Eastern Europe. He is more than just a connoisseur of candies, Poroshenko has also been a politician since the 90’s.

Between Vader and “Willy Wonka”, the elections in Ukraine are definitely taking a turn for the weird as these more unique types of candidates campaign for presidency.



If you believed this story just like us at the Freedom High School Revolution, we were fooled by what seems to be an elaborate April Fool’s prank.