Jon Stewart; the Original


“I get most of my news from the Jon Stewart Daily Show. It’s the most level commentary you can find. You have to laugh because it’s all so true. It’s the closest thing to a counterculture,” singer John Mayall said.

Since 1999, Jon Stewart has captured viewers with his sarcastic comments, his humorous nature, and his charm on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. This king of satire has mastered the art of comedic news and has won 16 Emmy awards along with his comedic cast.  Throughout the years, Stewart’s supporting cast has consisted of a wide variety of comedians from Steve Carrel to Aasif Mandvi, to Jon Oliver and to fellow comedy show host Stephen Colbert. The show usually consists of an introduction segment by Stewart about one of the pressing news issues in the world followed by a segment by one of Stewart’s cast.  Traditionally, Stewart follows up with an interview with a celebrity and concludes the show.

Stewart is widely known as a left wing liberal, but he is critical of both sides. Recently, his shows have been about the bungling of the Affordable Healthcare Act, and he consistently blames President Obama, and Secretary of Health and Human Service Kathleen Sebelius for the rollout. Before his segments on healthcare, he spent several weeks talking about the inevitable government shutdown and blamed Texas senator Ted Cruz, and Speaker of the House John Boehner along with the Republican Party for the “Shut Storm 2013.” One of Stewart’s favorite targets is the Fox News station, and host of the O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly. Stewart famously debated O’Reilly and was called the winner by several critics.

“O’Reilly was outmatched on the funny front by Stewart, coming across like a lightly toasted party guest on awkward joke roll,” critic and writer Brent Lang said.

Stewart is famous for his double sided apologies. He called out Fox news, and host Megyn Kelly about a segment on the prototypical white Santa. When Kelly responded to Stewart’s comments saying that the segment was supposed to be comedic, Stewart issued an apology, that also acted as an insult saying “what appeared to me to be another example of a Fox News segment expressing anger and victimization over the loss of absolute power and reframing that as persecution of Real America by minorities, freeloaders and socialists.”

Stewart is famous for calling out partisan news organizations, for putting news in perspective, and his comedic outlook on politics. Ever since its inception, the Daily Show has been a very popular television show and is on primetime on the Comedy Central. For 13 years, Jon Stewart has put things in perspective for his audience, and has been an integral member of the political scene.

“Stewart represents a satirical commentary that forces Americans to look at the nasty underbelly of politics and societal ills,” teacher Art Roberts said.  “Every generation has these people, ours is Stewart.”