Miss Literati Review

Miss Literati Review

Missliterati.com is ranked number 378,380 most popular site in the world according to the Alexa Traffic Rank. It’s a site where ladies of all ages are welcome to write their own works and read the works of their peers. As a bonus, you can also enter your stories in various contests for a chance to win free books and merchandise from the largest publishing companies in the world.

“Since I was a little girl I always knew that I wanted to be a writer. It started in fifth grade when I learned how to use adjectives. That soon became a love of journalism in high school and then feature writing in college,” said the Miss Literati Editor. “When I learned about Miss Literati and the idea, mission and love behind the website, I realized this is where I want to be. When I got to working with some of the Miss Lits, I could tell there are so many passionate and talented girls out there. Your stories literally blow me away — some days I spend hours just reading the stories you have all written! And that’s why I work here. I love what we do, and, call me biased, but I think Miss Literati is a really great way for aspiring writers to publish their work.”

It’s absolutely free! Although you need an email, you have the option to remain anonymous and the power to create anything you desire!

“Miss Literati is a way for me to express myself through writing. I can get help from friends to achieve success,” said Freedom junior, Kathryn Cox. “I would recommend this it’s, because it’s a safe environment to just enjoy writing.”