Rowan Allen


Rowan Allen was born on November 30th, 1995 and is the current entertainment editor on Freedom High School’s newspaper. She started out as a staff writer sophomore year, then eventually took on the role of news editor junior year. Today she is hoping to continue a career in journalism and is planning on majoring in communications and minoring in law.

She’s been playing the piano for eleven years, though it’s only been a hobby so far. She writes books and poetry in her spare time and is so outgoing that any contact with people immediately gives her energy. She’s always loved books and can easily spend a day in her room lost in one.

She’s loved being with animals ever since she was little when she told her first grade class that she wanted to be a veteriarian. Now she volunteers with Cat Crusaders at Petsmart on the weekends.

She’d rather be outside than inside and has an interest in astronomy. She’s always either laughing or trying to make other people laugh. She’s a horror movie fanatic and is just as comfortable sitting on the couch at home as she is in a crowd of people.