Freedom’s Future Leaders

Freedoms Future Leaders

The Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, or FBLA, has been at Freedom High School since October 29 2002. Founded in 1940, FBLA is an organization offered to high school, middle school, and college students.

While the name may not sound appealing, FBLA is a far cry from boring.
“[The goal] is to involve students in a business oriented club,” said Mrs. Linda Marshall.

The club involves students in career-based technological skills such as word processing, desktop publishing, web design, parliamentary procedures and public speaking. Students compete on the county level in these competitions and can advance to the national level.

Freedom is a strong contender in these competitions. This year, 27 out of 58 members placed and will compete against 10,000 people in Orlando. Last year, one member advanced to the annually held national championship, held in a different location every year. This year, it will be held in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Out of 27, maybe half of them will make it to nationals,” said Mrs. Linda Marshall.

With 253,365 members nationally, the club welcomes new members interested in careers in business. The club offers exposure to other students, experience in uniform at competitions, and the chance to develop vocational and career competencies. The club goes to the college level, and is a great to have on a resume.

“[FBLA] is a great club; it’s fun, we get to compete in a state competition. [We] compete for an hour, then just chill in Orlando having fun. I love to compete. We also get cookies every meeting,” said Vice President Mahde Hasan.