Why I Hate Valentine’s Day


Brittany Zheng, Staff Writer

Whether you are single or in a relationship, most people hate the most dreadful holiday of the year: Valentine’s Day.

For single people, the day is a disappointing reminder that they do not have a significant other. For couples, it is a stressful gesture for which they feel pressured to plan something romantic and exchange unaffordable gifts and cheap chocolate.

Each year on February 14, we are commanded to be romantic. Shouldn’t romance be organic? Of course, everyone would love to receive flowers and be taken out to dinner, but shouldn’t there be an established connection before we are obliged to be “romantic” and expected to meet expectations?

Valentine’s Day is even worse for those who are single. There are a few types of single people on what they might call the “Feel Inadequate About Your Love Life Day.”

We have the ‘Self Pitying Singles’ – Those who cry about their love life, most commonly known as the “I Hate Everyone” on Valentine’s Day person.

Next is the ‘Dreamer’ – Those who picture themselves in a romantic relationship with their crush or binge watch love movies and then cry over it because, “Why can’t that be me?”

Lastly, we have the ‘Dishonest and In Self-Denial Single’ – Those who act like it is not a big deal they are single but lowkey wish they were in a relationship.

St. Valentine’s Day is meant to bring couples together, but now, couples are left stressed or fighting about “not putting enough thought into the gift.” Singles are left disappointed and fall into one of the categories listed above.

This problem could easily be resolved if we brought back primary school Valentine’s day. Each student received a million valentines and no one ever felt left out or disappointed.