On Homecoming Proposals


“Prom may be April 1st, but I’d be a fool not to ask you”

Catherine Weng, Editor in Chief

I’m tired of seeing posters. It’s overused and unoriginal. Sorry to everyone that I’m calling out.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that I hated your homecoming proposal. Puns can be great, and I’m sure it was cute. Everyone appreciates a good reference to a sport, favorite TV show, or other obsession.

A poster seems like a great and easy way to snag a yes, because it’s tried and true. That also means that your potential date has probably seen dozens of very similar posters on social media.

It’s also a good keepsake, for whichever party. Sometimes the posters come with a stuffed animal, flowers, candy, or other personal items.

It’s not the poster that is I hate to see, but the boring, lonely poster. If there’s a perfect phrase that absolutely must be written out, then go for it! But try to incorporate music, a fun excursion, or food, a personal favorite.

If posting on social media is a priority, make sure it’s pretty! But PLEASE do it yourself. A good looking poster (or something else) is ideal, but it’s far better if someone makes it themselves. Turn down your nice friends with great handwriting, no matter how kind the offer.

No matter the method, at least you asked. Obviously, the date is the important part of the homecoming proposal, so pat yourself on the back and feel great for braving uncertainty.

This homecoming season, if you haven’t asked a date yet, try something different!! Let’s see something new.

Tickets are being sold during lunch until Friday, Sept 22 for $40. It’s not too late to have a blast at homecoming with a date (or without!)

Homecoming is Saturday, Sept 23 @ 7pm, T Pepin’s Hospitality Centre.

Pictures @ 4:30pm, Compton Park.

Happy Homecoming!