Tips to Survive Freshman Year


Ally Dammer, Staff Writer

The first year can be scary. New school, fresh faces, new teachers, and a new schedule.

The first few weeks are the worst. The struggle between trying to find your classes and making
friends all while keeping up with a whole new school schedule.

You are looking at upperclassmen that have already been through that and wondering how
they did it. As a junior, I can confidently say it is scary. But once you understand how to manage
it, it is a cakewalk.

For starters, you cannot let everything get to you. Not everyone is going to like you or want to be
your friend. Do not let it upset you. As we all know, people can be very mean and hurtful.
Especially if you make yourself an easy target.

Starting new classes can also be tricky. Especially if you were not in any high school level
classes in middle school.

Do not let it stress you out. Most of the teachers at Freedom do not want to see you fail. They
are always willing to help answer questions and guide you with anything you might need. The
school also has tutoring available before and after school and lunch and learns are held during

Getting on your teacher’s good side is always tough. You can never really tell if they like you or
not. The best advice I can give you is to just go to class, pay attention, and do your work. If you
do all of that and are respectful to your teacher and classmates, then there is no reason your
teacher would not like you.

Overall freshman year is fun and exciting. It is the first step to being in high school and you will
meet some cool people along the way.