First Semester Exam Changes

For this school year students are not required to take their first semester exams, unless they are in an end of course (EOC) class or they need, or want, to improve their grade to pass the class. This change has come about due to challenges posed by having a mix of students online and on campus.

“I think not having a single exam for this semester is good given that online and in person classes may be learning things a little differently,” Harold Polhill, a math teacher at Freedom, said.

E-learners and in person students have two entirely different learning environments and face different challenges that make exams for this semester impractical and would only place more stress upon the students.

“E-learning for me has been quite stressful and taking the exam online would be pretty difficult so I’m glad they got canceled,” William Lynfatt, 12, said.

Students are now capable of spending more time focusing on themselves and activities outside of school thanks to reduced stress around exams. Isabel Rosenfeld, 11, especially thinks that these changes grant students a much more relaxed schedule.

“I think the way exams are set up this semester gives students more freedom,” Rosenfeld said, “I can more easily work around extracurriculars now.”

Seniors specifically are now presented with more time to work and focus on college applications rather than cramming to study for exams.

“As a senior I like that I can prepare more for college instead of having to worry about passing my exams,” Lynfatt said.

Most students felt relief when they got the news about the changes to exams for this semester and were thankful that something was finally going their way in 2020.

“These changes have greatly reduced the stress I have to go through regarding my grades and future,” Rosenfeld said. “Especially because of the extra struggles added by this pandemic.”