Fashion at Freedom

Michaela McGruder, Staff Writer

The clothing sense has become more diverse among the student body. Lately the vibe for most students has been the alternative look which includes, the late 90’s, early 2000’s kind of clothing.

Students are hoping for more of a basic look. Not undressed but at the same time not overdressed.“I love street wear clothes, baggy pants and crop tops in mostly solid colors,” Kayle Marquess, 12, said.

Some students give their clothing style its own name and express their selves differently through the clothing. In a way they let their clothes speak for them.

“Unique is what I would call my style of clothing because it’s uncommon to see someone with a drip like mine,” Javiel Hamlet, 12, said. Some students did not feel the need to change their fashion sense this year, some wanted to keep it as simple as possible.

“My go to outfit for school is a pair of sweatpants and a crop top with tennis shoes; I like to look as simple as possible,” Joudi Obeid, 12, said. Not only do we have distinctive and unique dressers: Some students like to show up and show out.

“On a good day I would wear some slacks, with a nice polo collared shirt, and some Sperry’s,” Raleigh Johnson, 12, said. Freedom also has students who don’t dress to intrigue anyone else but themselves.

“I am 1 of 1,” Daniel Lopez, 12, said. “I dress to my own appeal and not others because their opinion of me doesn’t matter.