Certifications for Success


Danny Wood, Staff Writer

Many of the computer classes on the Freedom campus offer certifications for computer software programs. Earning a certification in a computer program not only teaches students important skills that will likely be applicable in the future, but also provides a great way to improve your resume for college applications and future employers .

For students interested in art, Coach Hensel offers certifications in both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator in the classes Digital Imaging I, II, and III. These photo editing programs allow people to use their creative ability to transform pictures into their expectations.

“The process for getting certified is fairly straight forward,” said Hensel. “Students learn the basic tools of the program and practice them in a simulator called Gmetrix. Once a student has learned the required skills, the certification test is taken online in class.” The in-school certification tests are entirely free and if the first one was failed; a student may try again in 30 days.

Through the Digital Info Technology class, Mr. Gutierrez allows students to obtain certifications in all Microsoft Office programs, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. If a student is interested in creating web sites, Mr. Gutierrez also offers Web Design I, and II, with the ability to receive certifications in Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash Movie Player.

Tech and Career Department Head, Mr. Nanns, offers a class new to Freedom, 3-D Animation, which permits certification in a program called Toon Boom, the leading software program in the animation industry.

Mr. Nanns encourages students to aim to receive certifications for multiple reasons.

“It definitely helps with job prospects,” stated Mr. Nanns, “Because the certification process is industry based, you learn skills that would be applicable in the real world.”

Obtaining certifications is not only beneficial to a student individually, but to the school as a whole.

“If more students receive certifications, we could potentially raise our school grade,” shared Nanns.