“Hey What’s Up?” “My Stress Levels”

Hey Whats Up? My Stress Levels

Aidan Boggs, Staff Writer

Stress seems to find people at the worst of times, but no one is more accustomed to stress than high school students. Teens across the United States are feeling high levels of stress that negatively affect aspects of their lives every day.

According to data collected by USA Today, more than a quarter (27%) of students say they experience “extreme stress” during the school year versus 13% during the summer. In addition to this, 34% of students expect an increase in stress during the upcoming school year.

These stresses tend to stem from family, in-school-activities, and out-of-school activities. For some student-athletes, stress tends to arise whenever their sport’s seasons begin. They find it more difficult to manage time between practice and homework time, as well as an abundance of other factors.

“Cross Country only  makes my life more stressful when the season kicks up,” said Sophomore Lauren Blair.

As the school year progresses, students seem to only sink lower into an endless void of stress. To cope with this, students have developed all kinds of ways to solve everyday struggles.

“Cross Country and school combined can easily become very overwhelming,” said Blair. “Luckily I can always turn to some rocking classical music and eat a well cooked meal to have my worries melt away!”

Students have also developed ways to enhance stress relieving techniques.

“School can sometimes get the better of me, but luckily nothing fixes a stressful day like pumping some iron at the gym,” said Junior Cole Crawford. “If I happen to have a really packed day I normally like to mix in a solid 30 minutes of cardio.”

In some ways, the most elegant solution is the most difficult to execute: letting students learn to strike an equilibrium between stress and relaxation themselves, especially when stress seems to be the more powerful force. It comes down to balance.

Though balance may be easier said then done, studies prove it may be the only way for students to positively and efficiently cope with the daily struggles. Even I, the faceless writer trying this right now, am stressing on whether or not I will have this article turned in on time. We all deal with stress, but lets handle it right!