A Letter From An Editor

May 20, 2016
For the last three years this paper has done something that I always found to be a wonderful tradition; write a goodbye to the seniors. For the last two years it’s been something I’ve taken on the task of doing. But, this year it’s different because now I am one of the seniors. So, instead I shall write a goodbye to my crazy journalism staff.
This year the Revolution Newspaper did a complete 180. We went from a paper nobody knew about to one that posts videos, opinion pieces, and stories that school board members were quoted in. Our success this year cannot be attributed to one single person, because it was the some of all of our work that got us here today. Without Anastasiya Sukhenko and Tori Chin’s creative ideas, without Catherine Weng’s exceptional writing and editing skills, without Jon Hordeyczuk ,Tyler Young, Nic Clarke, and Sam Allen’s humor, without Kalee Vandeboe’s quick thinking, without Diana Mascio’s passion, and without Ian Slater, Alan Ruiz, and Anastasia Correia’s support this student publication wouldn’t have grown so much this year.
But, all team’s have a leader and this year Tommy Capobianco and I took on the task of being Co-Editors-in-Chief and at times we didn’t see eye-to-eye but we wouldn’t have been very effective if we did. I am bossy and hardheaded while Tommy is understanding and encouraging and those characteristics mixed together, while not always agreeing, make a good leader. I have no doubt that next year Tommy is going to lead the FHS Revolution to many awards and many triumphs.
Now, to My Crazy Journalism Staff: I want you to know that I appreciate you, I adore you, and I know all of you as individuals will go on to do wonderful things. I cannot wait to see what not only this paper does in the future but what you all do in the future as well. I know that this year I have not been the easiest person to work with, what with all the telling you to do stuff and wanting you to do more than just ‘scratch the surface’ of a story, but I cannot apologize for that because I feel as if in some way (deep down) it helped. Thank you for all the work you’ve put in this year and the years before and the years coming.
To the Students wanting to join the Newspaper Staff: treat this paper with the respect it deserves. Because, it has done so much for me not only as a student but as a person as well and it can do the same for you. Also, write with pride and passion. It shows in the things you write everyday whether you had a lot to say and knew what you were talking about vs. cutting the words out of your brain with a saw, which is probably why grading essay’s is a really tough job. So, write with excitement and joy – you’ll be a better writer for it.
To the Seniors on the Staff (all three of us): I’ve loved getting to work with you guys and getting to call you my friends. It’s scary to think that after the several years we’ve been on this paper, we won’t be seeing each other everyday. I’m going to miss the two of you so much and I know the rest of the staff feels the same. The mark you’ve left on this paper and the work you’ve done will never be forgotten.
All in all, I’m going to miss Freedom High School and the wonderful teachers and staff that are employed here, but mostly I’m going to miss this paper and the wonderful people on it.
Thank you for a wonderful four years FHS Revolution.
I’m going to miss you all so much.
To the Class Of 2016: We did it 🙂