Students should find a place that’s fitting for them to study for the ACT, which will be coming up in March. They can prepare themselves mentally and physically so when it comes to testing, they can be ready to walk into the classroom and pass the test with ease.
First, the way student’s study for the ACT really is a big deal since it can determine if you’re prepared for success.
“I would always read the questions first and then read the text, but not the whole text just skimming through the text.” Paw Ku said (12). Some students just got it, and just like that they are ready for the test of their lives.
“I have really good memory, so I would be soaking information up like a sponge.” Ethan Williams said (12).
Next, the location of all the studying for the ACT surely does determine if you can pass the test. Studying in an environment where you can feel comfortable can increase concentration and productivity.
“I studied a lot in the library-the Hillsborough County Library. I enjoy looking over the material there.” Williams said (12).
Now you may think “how does this even help students get the highest score on the ACT?”. Well, think of it as a place where you can have the chance to focus on one thing only with no distractions.
“My mom kept me motivated, and when I needed some peace and quiet, she let me be in my room to study and make sure I would pass the test.” Ku (12) said
“Because it’s the library it’s quiet and nobody can bother you.” Williams (12) said “It allows me to focus more on my studies.”
Despite preparing for the big test, students may feel some type of way when it comes to test taking. That being that anxious or nervous feeling when it comes to a huge test. And can make students feel pressured to the need of preforming well for the test.
“I was extremely nervous, but I was prepared for it.” Williams (12) said “It really matters because it decides if I get into college or not.”
Finally, after taking the test students have realized how much the work, they have studied for paid off. That said, the location of where they study at being a reason they might have passed the crucial test.
“At first, I was anxious then I thought of the positive side saying, I can do this, then I passed” Ku (12) said.