May 9, 2022
These past two weeks there have been challenging AP Exams for the students fortunate enough
to be able to take these classes. These college course classes really test students’ focus and diligence
throughout the course. To get the full college credit out of an AP Exam, the student must score at least a
three on it, which can be more challenging than it sounds. However, students at Freedom have gone
through a lot to prepare for and pass these exams to be able to get the credits they need to help their
educational journey.
“Every day for the past week, I have been going to the Tampa Regional Library next to my house
and watching AP U.S History videos to help me get at least a 4 on this exam.” Michael Jeffries, 11, said.
Although the AP Exams seem difficult, it is not too hard to prepare yourself for it if you have
been paying attention in class and constantly reviewing. The challenging AP Calculus Exam will be held
on Monday, which has those students a little bit anxious.
“AP Calculus has been quite difficult throughout the semester but with the exam reviews and
Mr. Polhill’s help, I think I will score well.” Gio Mendoza, 11, said
The good thing about AP Exams that students tend to agree with is that they do not affect you
negatively if you do not score well, you will still get the high school credit if you pass the class, but the
exam score only determines whether you get the college credit. This helps students go into the test
more confidently and with less worries.
“I am going to go and try my best. If I score well then wonderful, if not then I will just keep
working and hopefully pass my next AP Exam.” Yassin Tazi, 11, said.