Protest on LGBTQ rights, led by students on Campus

March 11, 2022
The “Don’t Say Gay” Bill has been passed which restricts florida schools to educate students on
sexual orientation. Students around campus stood their ground and protested at the courtyard
at around 12:00 on March 3rd.
Students rallied to support LGBTQ rights, and students wanted to stop this bill from being
“I thought it was amazing how we can support this community, I was not expecting so many
people to come and was really happy when they did”, said Mallory Marsland-Petit, 10, said.
This movement showed that students are set to make a change in their schools, as it inspired
many others to step-out and do what is right. Though there is still a debate going around if it is
appropriate to teach students about sexual orientation in schools, there are also many others
who are for teaching students about the topics that will be a factor in society in the big world.