Best Classes at Freedom
February 2, 2021
As a senior here at Freedom I have taken my fair share of classes over the last four years and, in my opinion, these are the most interesting and rewarding classes to take.
The number one class that I recommend to take is AP Environmental Science with Mrs. Hernandez. She is an incredible teacher, especially for this class since she is so invested in the environment and helped to start the Environmental Club here at Freedom.
AP Environmental Science is an influential class that truly opens your eyes to how humans effect the world around us and what we can do to help mitigate these effects. If you are at all interested in helping to save the environment then you should most definitely take that class.
The second class that I suggest to take is AP U.S. Government/AP Comparative Politics with Mr. Bernales. Mr. Bernales is a really fun teacher to have and he gives really great and helpful tips on how to get involved in local government and the importance of knowing both internal and international affairs.
These tandem classes are extremely interesting especially if you enjoy history. Throughout the classes you learn the history and the inner workings of governments around the world.
The final class that I would recommend for Freedom students to take is AP Human Geography with Mr. McCoy. This is another very interesting class in which you learn about factors that contribute to how people and societies run.
AP Human Geography is a really good class for exploring basics about how people have used the earth’s surface and how they’ve moved about it over time. The processes used to explain human movement are interesting and intricate.
These are my top three courses that I recommend for all students at Freedom to take during their high school career.