Freedom High School Takes on the Pandemic

Hayden Wooldridge, Staff Writer
September 23, 2020
A global pandemic was the last thing anyone expected to experience in 2020. Now, schools have to deal with teaching students, while also stopping the spread of the virus. How is Freedom High School dealing with this?
There have been many observant changes made at Freedom. Among these are the requirement of masks, one-way stair cases, distanced lunch seats, and hallways where you walk to the right.
Allie Freihofer, 12, noted that “some of the changes, such as wearing masks and having to sit apart at lunch, are inconvenient, but everyone has gotten used to them.” Students are understanding of the changes that were implemented and are glad that the school is keeping them safe. Teachers are constantly wiping desks down and leaving hand sanitizer out for students in order to maintain a safe learning environment.
Eva Tarkington, 11, expressed that “the changes they have made are necessary in keeping everyone safe, but there is nothing to look forward to.” Tarkington acknowledges that students do not mind the changes in school as much, but
they are disappointed that they will miss out on fun school spirit activities.
Students will have to miss out on pep rallies, homecoming, football games, and other activities that make high school
memorable. For many people, this is their first or last year of high school, and they are going to have to miss out on all the fun events that make the high school experience one to remember.
Winter Smith, 9, says that “high school goes by fast and with all the chaos surrounding the virus, people just have to remember to do what they can to make high school memorable.” Despite the changes that have been implemented, students at Freedom are doing what they can to create a sense of normalcy and have a good school year.