Stretching the Budget for a Sadie’s

Anna Lamlein, Staff Writer

For the last 16 years, Freedom has held the same two dances every year: Homecoming and Prom.  While some dances have been more successful than others, there has been a buzz throughout the student body about the possibility of adding a Sadie Hawkins Dance.

For a Sadie Hawkins dance, the girls ask the boys for a date, instead of the traditional scenario. Other schools in the area, such as King High School, have begun holding them annually. Students are becoming increasingly interested in this idea, and its popularity has peaked again in recent years as schools make an effort to switch things up around campus.

“A Sadie Hawkins would be a good way to switch things up,” Katie Mathews, 9, explains, “Whoever asks could be the one to pay, too.”

This proposition lessons the burden put on the boys to pay for the expected expenses of taking a date to a dance- dinner, tickets, etc. Many students are tiring of the old-fashioned way of girls having to be asked by boys to attend as a couple.

“I don’t think it would be weird for a girl to ask a guy if they’re into each other,” Vincent Margosian, 11, adds.

However, dances aren’t free. Adding another event to Freedom’s year would be very costly, and the student government has their reservations.

SGA Vice President Andres Procel, 11, clarifies, “We really just wanted to have more of a casual dance in the spring- something that doesn’t have as big of a price tag as Homecoming. I wouldn’t really call it a Sadie Hawkins. We just want a dance where everyone can come have fun, no big proposals or anything. Just bring anyone.”