Kudos to FHS Winter Guard

Genevieve Clark, Staff Writer

Freedom High School’s Winter Guard team is an adventure for talented students interested in learning new choreography and competing in multiple competitions.

The Winter Guard performers practice every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The team reportedly has the longest practice hours out of every high school sport, an estimated 20-25 hours a week.

Over 24 high school performers are involved in the production. These students, along with their coach Jessie Rivers, are required to perform a routine that corresponds to the annual theme and create a show that will cater to everyone’s abilities.

According to Mr. Striscek, Winter Guard sponsor, “We look for people who are physically and mentally flexible to be a part of the team. Students with a good work ethic that show initiative are who we want to perform.”

Winter Guard does not involve the school’s marching band. This gives the group the opportunity to find their own music and forces them to get creative with the routines and style.

Michael Munoz, 12, has been participating in Winter Guard for four years.

Munoz stated, “Guard is like a melting pot where we get to meet so many different people. We get to perform and make art together.”

The Winter Guard team will be performing at Freedom High School on February 9th and 10th to showcase their new performance for every student. Their goal for the season is to qualify for the Regional Championships in Dayton, Ohio in March.

Chloe Alexander, 12, claimed, “What I like most about Winter Guard is the sense of being unique because not most people know what Winter Guard is. But for the people that do, the recognition you get from your hard work, makes everything worth it in the end.”