Raxani Apparel

There is a young entrepreneur on the Freedom campus; Logan Thomas, senior, has recently started his own company named: Raxani. The student searched months for a company to start.

“I was driving one day and I was thinking of ideas and I thought Raxani. It just popped in my head and I thought it was perfect,” said Thomas.

Once the name was found he began investing. He rounded up some money and kicked off his creative idea.

“I funded the company with my own money, my parents invested a bit too. As of right now all my paychecks go to the company, it sucks but it’s worth it,” added Thomas.

His eyes were originally set on a watch company, but he chose to start with clothing. But, he didn’t want his clothes to be another screen printed cheap material, so he began brainstorming.

“The clothes are natural materials made in the U.S.A. They are all high quality, and feel really nice,” said the Senior.

He wants  his company to appeal to the youth. He feels as if the vibes of the clothing direct to a certain demographic.

“I target the ages between 14 – 30. I feel like it’s similar to the brand Hurley and Billabong. We get a lot of surfers as our customers,” said Thomas.

Logan currently promotes Raxani through all Social Medias.

“I Have Facebook ads, Instagram ads, sponsored Twitter posts, google ads, and word of mouth. I use a lot of paid advertising and it seems to do a lot of help.”

With all of these advertisements Logan has been able to spread the word of Raxani pretty quickly. He says he is constantly bombarded with eager people.

“I am really looking forward to the clothing coming out for girls. I follow them on all social media patiently waiting for the drop,” said Cortney Simmons, senior at Freedom.

He even gets emails from companies attempting to sell and promote his clothing.

“I get tons of emails daily asking if they can promote my brand. A lot of people are eager to know the release date and where they can buy,” said Thomas.

Logan plans on expanding the company in the future. This will allow him to branch out Raxani further than clothing.

“In the next few months I will be adding sunglasses and watches. I realized that with making clothing it became easier to make new things out of the name Raxani. The sunglasses will be made out of bamboo and the watches will be a mixture of woods. It’s something you don’t see often so I’m excited for it.”

As of right now, Logan plans to have the release date on either Christmas day or New Year’s Day. On the release there will be six men’s shirts and six women’s shirts. For more information, you could visit Logan’s various accounts for Raxani:

Instagram: Raxani

Facebook: Raxani,

Twitter: @Raxaniapparel

Email: [email protected]