Thank You Ms.Guida!

Thank You Ms.Guida!

Anastasiya Sukhenko, Photo Editor & Special Effects

Aside from Ms. Guida’s seven years as a wonderful English teacher at Freedom High School, she has also been a reputable sponsor for Freedom’s Student Government Association (SGA).

“Serving as an executive under Guida’s SGA was actually the greatest time of my high school career. I was always so excited to walk into SGA at the end of the day because Guida always made me laugh. I remember leaving school happy as ever because she would make me laugh so much. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be where I am today and SGA Wouldn’t be where it is today. I thank her for her willingness to serve, and her stellar personality!” said former President of Freedom’s Student Government Association, Ryan Williams.

Throughout her three years as the sponsor, Ms. Guida has managed to become a celebrated individual for all her hard work and contribution to the improvement in Freedom’s school spirit.

“Guida is a has always gone above and beyond with SGA. The first time I met Guida, she was my English teacher and as the year went to on I learned she was also in charge of two other classes, one being SGA. She’s always on top of things making sure everyone at Freedom was always “pepped” full of school spirit throughout the year and especially before major games. With the ideas Guida has helped create, there have been bigger turnouts of people at games and more people participating during spirit week. Guida has positively made spirit at Freedom high school better,” said SGA member Lance Miller.

However, despite her positive influence, she has decided to discontinue being the sponsor for SGA because she believes that the association needs a new perspective in order for the school to maintain an innovative outcome.

“I think that SGA is kind of like yearbook in that every couple years it needs a fresh new perspective. Ideas get stale and you sort of fall into a rhythm and become desensitized to it. I think it would be good for the school to have someone with a different perspective,” said Ms. Guida.

Initially, Ms. Guida chose to be involved in Freedom’s SGA because she was actually a part of her own high school’s Student Government. In addition, she has always loved school spirit and the idea of a completely student-driven class.

“I love a group of kids coming together to fix their own problems. I think that we don’t do enough of that in high school and that often, I’m guilty of this too with my own kids, teachers just want to give you the answer instead of letting you figure it out,” said Ms. Guida.

Even though Ms. Guida has decided to leave SGA, she will miss her students immensely.

“I will miss my students the most, hands down,” said Guida, also adding, “The only reason I considered staying was because I have underclassmen…but the thing is that you always have great underclassmen and I’d be there forever.”

Not only will miss Guida miss her SGA students, they are going to miss her as well.

“I love Ms. Guida and SGA. It’s been such an amazing experience and it’s mainly because of our sponsor. I’ve created so many amazing memories and I wouldn’t want it to be with any other teacher. I thank her a lot,” said Secretary of Freedom’s Student Government Association, Emily Tatum.

Not to mention, Ms. Guida’s favorite memory from SGA was last year’s pep rally involving the news team coming to celebrate Freedom High School.

“There was a huge energy and we (administrators) didn’t think that or weren’t sure if Freedom could hold out for four hours and we made it the whole time with no issues and everyone seemed to be having a good time,” said Guida.

Regarding the new sponsor, Ms. Guida has offered some sound advice. Her first tip is to be friends with the bookkeeper because of all the paperwork and money to be dealt with.

“It’s good to be on good terms with them because sponsors have to do the busy work,” said Guida.

The second tip she gave is to allow for your students to take control and trust them.

“It’s hard sometimes to not try and take things into you own hands, but I have to remember to let my kids be in charge. They are a great group of kids,” said Guida.

As for what Ms. Guida will be taking on in the future, she plans to be a part of a new club called Red, White and Blue Crew. It’s a spirit club and she’s excited about her new plan. Even though she is leaving SGA, she still plans to be a part of encouraging and improving Freedom’s school spirit. As she looks back at her years as the SGA sponsor, she feels overjoyed and is excited to see what new success SGA will have.

“I’m really proud of where we’ve come. I think we have a growing school identity,” said Ms. Guida.