5 Reasons Why You Should Skip Prom


Jawbreaker, 1999

Jamie Hsiao, Staff Writer

Prom – a tradition so foolish and vain. I try my best to avoid sounding cynical when discussing this subject, but I always end up seeming anything but. I do not oppose those who decide to spend their time at this sub-par function; however, I believe that my position deserves at least the slightest bit of consideration. Here are 5 reasons why you should ditch the promenade:

 Say Goodbye to Your Savings
If you’re planning to attend prom, don’t be surprised when you receive a colossal bill for the month. Some of the expenses that go towards your magical night include the ticket, your gown or tux, and the pre-prom dinner. For ladies, the additional money spent on hair, makeup, and nails will leave you strapped for cash. A Visa survey showed that the average American family plans to spend $919 on prom and prom-related activities. Teenagers are already anxious enough about saving up for college, and investing in this event will just feed their financial anxieties.

The Added Stress
High School already proves to be stressful enough for students. It seems quite counterintuitive to put even more pressure on yourself by stressing out over something so trivial. Prom gives teenagers the excuse to exhaust themselves over their appearance. The girls may pay too much mind towards dolling up for the occasion, and the boys might burden themselves when planning out the perfect proposal. This is unnecessary stress that you’re putting yourself through. So instead of pulling your hair out over the event, why don’t you just relax and recuperate?

It’s Dreadfully Underwhelming
Preparing for prom is demanding enough, so you won’t be thrilled when you realize how boring the occasion actually is. There is absolutely nothing appealing about awkwardly dancing around a venue, trying desperately to occupy yourself so that you can make light of the incredibly uncomfortable situation you got yourself into. Halfway through the night, you will be wishing you were somewhere more exciting.

You Have Better Things to Do
Let’s face it. A chill evening out with your closest friends seems a lot more appealing than spending the night rubbing shoulders with a bunch of people that you barely know. There’s definitely something going on in town that is more worthwhile. A hot-ticket artist might be in town for a concert, or you could enjoy a fancy meal with your pals. I would much rather spend my time doing something enjoyable with my friends or family, but I digress.

It’s A Complete Social Construct
I know for a fact that I don’t want to be dragged to prom against my own will. Prom is not for everybody, and I hope people can respect their decisions to sit it out. It is totally understandable if you don’t feel comfortable attending the huge event. You shouldn’t be forced to go just because all of your friends are going. It’s not as big of a deal as society makes it out to be. Just think about it– it’s overrated anyway.

Regardless of whether you are for or against the hype surrounding prom, we are all capable of making our own decisions. You won’t be seeing me at prom this year, and I am confident that I am not the only one that will be passing on the proposal. However, if you do decide to go to prom this 2018 school year, I truly hope you enjoy your night and make the most of it!