O’Sullivan’s Favorite Songs

Drew Meyerson, Staff Writer

Many Freedom students have become familiar with one of the newest additions to the English Department staff, Mrs. O’Sullivan. However, Pats may be unaware of the fact that O’Sullivan has a rather specific taste in music. The educator shared her favorite songs, as well as some reasoning behind her choices.

O’Sullivan feels that her favorite genre is alternative.

“I grew up when alternative was just beginning, which is why a big bunch of my list is those kinds of songs.”

O’Sullivan adds that she definitely believes her taste in music comes from her childhood.

“I went to a very hippy-type school growing up in D.C. so we listened to James Taylor and Carly Simon a lot. As a teenager, people in my high school were some of the earliest punk rockers so I think that’s where the alternative comes in because the punk was a little too rough.”

O’Sullivan’s favorite song, “Half Breed,” by Cher, holds particular significance.

“It was a song my father used to play when I was 9-10 years old. I really enjoyed being with my father so it’s a good memory,” added O’Sullivan. “I always related to the ‘Half Breed’ thing because I’m half Jewish and it was a big deal at the time.”

Lastly, the English teacher shared what she thinks her music taste says about her.

“I’d say the fact that I liked alternative in the ‘80s says that I’m pretty rebellious,” said O’Sullivan.